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As we begin a new build season for 2019, one of questions I am frequently asked is, 'are there showers where you stay?' Of course, there are showers when we stay in one of the local hotels/motels and when we are hosted at All Soul's EpiscoPal Church in Point Loma, alas they do not have showers on the campus. What they DO have is a diocesan ministry ...

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Pictured here is the mom and her three kids that have been living for some time in her mother's kitchen. Can you imagine? Living with your kids in your mom's kitchen!

Now, she and her kids have this new lovely house built by the Southern CA Roto-acts, a divisioanof Rotary Intl.

This build felt especially significant to me. There has ...

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Clearly these guys need something to do!

Cheryl, another member of Team Savage, (taking the picture) caught us standing with our around arms crossed watching everyone else build and could not resist grabbing a snap! :)

| Build on: | Builds:

We typically install three 3'x 3' windows and one 2' x 2' in the loft. On this build, however, the family asked if we could install this large window and we said, 'sure!'

It is a wonderful window and dramatically gives the impression that the rooms is much larger than it is! I will be interested to see how it does in the ...

| Build on: | Builds:

On our September 8th build Richard (pictured here building for a change, he is unually our paint lead for most of our sponsored builds) and Mark Sturgess received their Red Shirts. Don't think Star Trek here, we do not offer them up to be sacrificed!

One earns a Red Shirt be participating in 5 builds, trainings, fund raisers, office work, ...

© 2018-2024 Mark Spaulding