As we begin a new build season for 2019, one of questions I am frequently asked is, 'are there showers where you stay?' Of course, there are showers when we stay in one of the local hotels/motels and when we are hosted at All Soul's EpiscoPal Church in Point Loma, alas they do not have showers on the campus. What they DO have is a diocesan ministry called Showers of Blessing.
Faithful volunteers take their two-shower stall trailer to where the homeless are encamped and offer showers for those who live out doors. It is an incredible ministry and I can personally attest that showering in the Shower of Blessings trailer if truly a five-star experience! We have been so taken by this ministry, that we are actively pursuing the purchase of a trailer here at Holy Cross so we can offer this same wonderful sharing experience to those who live out doors in the Bay Area.