A Lent Build--The house we built for Hector!
If building a house in one day with Corazon is new to you, I think the season of Lent is a perfect time to try your hand at a Corazon build. Alms and service are a foundation of the Lenten journey and sharing just one day to transform the life of an individual or the lives of a family is truly a Lenten experience.
This website details the experience of building Hector a house. Some might wonder, I thought Corazon builds houses for families. They do! We simply need to remember that families come in all shapes and sizes, including single humans and their dog! :) It is also helpful to keep in mind that the decision about who will receive the next house lies with the leaders in Mexico who live in the community.
All households who receive a Corazon house have been active members in the community, and have been waiting for their turn for this fantastic gift. In Hector's case, I have built many homes with him, and it was an honor to build a house that he could call home! This is what Corazon building is all about!